‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Just one creature was stirring, as quiet as a mouse
As he tiptoed his way ‘cross the nursery floor
In hopes that he might finally get out the door
But the small newborn daughter, awake in her bed
Cried out to proclaim there’d be new plans instead
So he picked her up gently, soft head in his hands
And he snuggled her into the Baby K’Tan
Together, they snuck down the stairs to the tree
Counted four stockings hung where there used to be three
He bounced and he hummed and he poured a new cup
And he hoped no one else in the house would wake up
The moon was still bright on the new fallen snow
He looked out at the quiet street, the streetlamps aglow
While the babe on his chest fussed and wiggled and stirred
He thought back on the last few weeks, sleepless and blurred
Her bright blinking eyes, still so new to the world
Her sister’s big smile when they said “It’s a girl.”
And the family tucked into their tiny guest rooms
Who’d come from all over to meet her and swoon
And the way that his partner had stayed up late nights
Wrapping presents and tucking them safe out of sight
While this tiny new human slept sound on his chest
A stranger, now home, safe, and learning to rest
The light from the moon caught the curve of her cheek
Her dimples, how merry, her dark curls, how sweet
He imagined the long years of memories to come
All those tangled up pieces that make a place home
For tomorrow, her sister’d be up before dawn
Bouncing on beds yelling “Santa! Come on!”
And the floor would be covered in ribbons and bows
And they’d laugh and they’d yawn and make cinnamon rolls
But for now, in the silence, he stood in the hall
And he whispered a thank you to no one at all
For the way that life, sleepless and messy and hard
Can remind us just how very lucky we are
He kissed the small girl on the top of her head
Climbed up the stairs and put her back in bed
And captured by some sort of sweet Christmas whim
He whispered the words that where whispered to him
While he tiptoed away and he turned off the light
“Merry Christmas to all. And to all, a good night.”